A factor which tends to lessen interaction between lines in a multistable system,
Replicated arcs cannot be corrected individually by the environment - 2541 - but if sample combinations of arcs are used, there is a tendency to correction,
Experimental method of splitting an environment into parts, 2851.
In the multistable system each arc does not test itself against its environment but
the whole against the whole, 2889.
Example, in perception, of the multistable system adapting in parts, 2891.
Skinner's experiments showing how arcs interact, 3008.
Discussion of how the multistable system adapts, 3014.
Human beings like information to be highly redundant: does this link with replication
in multistable systems? 2993.
Tendency of a multistable system to develop cycles, with a calculation 3063.
Adaptive behaviour, in the multistable system, is built out of scrap; it is the environment
that enforces the perfection. 3015.
Length of line of behaviour and chance that a step function will change, 3294.
An evolving system requires long term memories as well as short, 4374.
The rank of the differential matrix is unaltered by changing to new variables that
are linear functions of the old. Ashby 3768.
Dispersion changes variety in value to variety in position. 4418.
Trials within trials are an important advanced method 4546.
The theory dependencies is that of distinguishabilities 4559.
In a system of part-functions, all infinitesimal displacements, in whatever direction,
from a resting state activate the same set of variables, 3581, 3599.
Arcs activated by infinitesimal displacements from a resting state - all displacements
activate the same arcs 3600.
The breaking of a whole into subsystems by part-functions is not invariant for change
of coordinates. 3757.
Primary operation needs special definition when applied to a system with part-functions,
The theory of games as a chapter in that of the multistable system. 4592.
The multistable system resembles the Darwinian because both share large numbers of
common theorums in the much larger theory of systems. 4620.
Parts of multistable system can adapt simultaneously provided channel width is adequate
and a disperser is provided. 4641.
If the environment is not constrained, cortex can do nothing better than search at
random 4649.
In the multistable system there must be parts not activated in each reaction. 4831.
Set theory may play a part in the workings of the multistable system. 4839.
Multistable system developing the structure of the world around it. 4899.
The number of arcs that a reaction activates; distribution and average, 3634.
Number of reactions that will use a given arc; distribution and average, 3634.
Dispersion depends on 'neutral' as well as on the active variables, 3459.
Dispersion must first occur in a memory-free region if one reaction is not to upset
another. 2988.
The different 'arcs' of the multistable system should traverse the environment by
different routes. 3140.
The most efficient way is to make the environment show the specific step-functions
that are to be altered 2970.
Relation of the multistable system to its environments. 3082, 3026.
Discriminative feedback from essential variables. 2958.
Average run necessary to reach terminal set when, on average, m variables are activated
and give chance of (½)m, is em/2. So m can hardly exceed 6-10.
Systems of part-functions, to be stable, must have intrinsic stability. 2978.
█A system of part-functions with k active is as difficult to stabilise as one of k full-functions 3022.
"To accumulate memories that are not affected by intervening events" is equivalent to "There must be small interaction between the events and the memories" 5304.
There is no general rule for how the feedback should be made discrimminating. Only when a particular
machine is given can the question proceed to detail. 5336.
The multistable system has a bias towards becoming efficient and quickly adapting.
Multistability, i.e. separation of learning parts, proved necessary5345. (Better proof than in Design for a Brain S.17/2)
A system that adapts by correcting multiple arcs moves to an equilibrial "percentage
adapted" - for the more there are adapted, the greater is the chance that correction
of one unadapted will upset the adapted, 5360.
How much should discriminative feedback spread? - As wide as the spread of the errors.
Destructive feedback may at first, in the history of the multistable system, be scattered
widely but should steadily be scattered in narrower range. 5371.
Keeping reactions apart by giving them room to spread is costly in material and space.
If a change of step-mechanism (due to corrective feedback) makes an arc change place,
more space is required. If the change makes an arc change nature but not place, more
time is required. 5388.
(Some concepts and processes demand only that the system be "plastic".)
A system that accumulates adaptations must use discrimination in its distribution
of corrective feedback. 5410.
Multistable system and gene-pattern both demand DIAGRAM5421.
How should the multistable system be didvided? - So that each irreducible "Good" has
its own ultrastable system. 5436.
Fundamental rule for the multistable system: if the major "Good" is to be obtained
by the accumulation of minor "goods", then each minor good should have an ultrastable
system to itself. 5436.
What in the environment are the special characteristics that the multistable system
is specially adapted to? 5582.
I now (1957) regarded as a special case in a more general formulation. 5621.5.
One unit for adaptation (one "arc") may comprise many portions of both cortex and
environment. 5634.3.
Taylor's experiments with reversing spectacles showing the disorderliness of the multistable
system. 5697.
Multistable system, as defined in "Design for a Brain", is assumed to have its feedbacks
discriminating. 5735.
Old definition of multistable system reviewed ten years later. 5735.
Multistable system re-specified to separate the aspect of :- (1) Having many almost
independent essential variables. (2) Having SFs (step functions) separated into sets.
Multistable system distinguished from polystable. 5800.
Polystable system finds constraint automatically(?) 6372.