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Ross indexed the following pages under the keyword: "Constraint".

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Summary: Clarification of "stimulus" and some collected types. (See 2486)
Pattern (in general) as stimulus
Constraint at input
Input variety in
Reflex, conditioned fusion of parameters
2218 2219

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Organisation concept abandoned
Parameter as variable outside system
Constraint reaction of homeostat to
2557 2558

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Constraint and natural law
Laws of nature discovery, and adaptation
Relation economy of
Epistemology [3]: An early review of what is meant by 'knowing' { 2790 - 2801 }
Summary: Discovering a scientific law is like an animal getting one reaction-system adapted to more than one environment. (Summary 2797)
Epistemology [3]: An early review of what is meant by 'knowing' { 2790 - 2801 }
2791 2792

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Summary: Odd notes.
Constraint at input
Input variety in
3832 3833
Summary: A 'thing' corresponds to a constraint. 4233, 4439, 4388, 4440, 4943
Summary: A 'thing' means redundancy. Example 4187
Constraint "thing" as
Natural Selection [57]: Comparison of adaptation in multistable system with adaptation in natural selection { 4098 - 4112 }.
Natural Selection [57]: Comparison of adaptation in multistable system with adaptation in natural selection { 4098 - 4112 }.
4106 4107
Summary: Explicit instructions for commercial or social organisation. 4273
Chess organisation for
Constraint transformation of
Society [45]: Organisation of a chess-playing society, 4273.
4272 4273

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Summary: Lack of variety and step-function are equivalent. 4439, 4440
Constraint and step-function
Protocol constraint in
Step function = lack of variety
Summary: Apparent inertia in adaptation.
Homeostasis transients [no]
Regulation transients in
Transient defined
Natural Selection [77]: Fisher's explanation of apparent inertia in evolution, 4389.
4388 4389
Prediction as regulation
Epistemology [23]: 'Prediction' and 'control' are forms of regulation, 4438.
Summary: Prediction and control are just forms of regulation.
Summary: Wave as constraint; travelling immobility. 4440, 4943
Constraint wave as
Thing as constraint
Waves as entity
4438 4439
Summary: Way of behaving, constraint, thing, part-function.
Constraint examples
Dimension and constraint
Rank and constraint
4440 4441
Constraint meaning of
Summary: More on "constraint". 4553, 4564
4442 4443
Summary: More constraints means fewer possibilities but more discoverable patterns, 4504
Summary: In set theory, remember that inequalities are likely to have cybernetic applications. 4503
Asymmetry importance of
Constraint generates pattern
Pattern (in general) as constraint
Summary: Set theory and its use.
Set or Ensemble set theory
4494 4495
Constraint and departments
Structure as partial knowledge
Society [51]: Organisation between departments as partial solution of the problem 4515.
4514 4515
Summary: A Review on "Speed of Adaptation" with special reference to that of a Problem-Solving System. ... it is now possble to build a system, or machine, of more than human intelligence.
Summary: Contents
§1 Introduction 4560
§2 The method of models 4562
§3 Constraints on the operands 4563
§4 Constraints on the transformation:
  (i) Reducibility
    (a) What is Reducibility? 4564
    (b) The effect of Reducibility 4567
  (ii) Continuity
    (a) What is Continuity?4568
    (b) The effect of Continuity 4569
§5 Selection by components 4570
§6 The Maximal Speed 4574

Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Constraint effects of
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
Society [55]: Methods of getting solution more quickly { 4560 - 4575 }
Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Constraint effects of
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
Society [55]: Methods of getting solution more quickly { 4560 - 4575 }
4560 4561
Summary: §2 The method of models
Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Constraint effects of
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
Society [55]: Methods of getting solution more quickly { 4560 - 4575 }
Summary: §3 Constraints on the operands A and B
Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Constraint effects of
Relation defines subset
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
Society [55]: Methods of getting solution more quickly { 4560 - 4575 }
4562 4563
Summary: §4 Constraints on the transformation:
(i) Reducibility
  (a) What is reducibility?

Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Constraint effects of
Reducibility reviewed
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
Society [55]: Methods of getting solution more quickly { 4560 - 4575 }
Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Constraint effects of
Reducibility reviewed
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
Society [55]: Methods of getting solution more quickly { 4560 - 4575 }
4564 4565
Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Constraint effects of
Reducibility reviewed
Reducibility in set theory
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
Society [55]: Methods of getting solution more quickly { 4560 - 4575 }
Summary: (b) The use of reducibility
Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Constraint effects of
Reducibility reviewed
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
Society [55]: Methods of getting solution more quickly { 4560 - 4575 }
4566 4567
Summary: (ii)Continuity
  (a) What is continuity?

Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Constraint effects of
Continuity as constraint
Reducibility reviewed
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
Society [55]: Methods of getting solution more quickly { 4560 - 4575 }
Summary: (b) Value of continuity
Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Chess discontinuity in
Constraint effects of
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
Society [55]: Methods of getting solution more quickly { 4560 - 4575 }
4568 4569
Summary: §5 Selection by components
Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Constraint effects of
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
Society [55]: Methods of getting solution more quickly { 4560 - 4575 }
Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Constraint effects of
Selection as application
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
Society [55]: Methods of getting solution more quickly { 4560 - 4575 }
4570 4571
Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Constraint effects of
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
Society [55]: Methods of getting solution more quickly { 4560 - 4575 }
Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Constraint effects of
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
Society [55]: Methods of getting solution more quickly { 4560 - 4575 }
4572 4573
Summary: §6 The Maximal Speed of Adaptation
Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Constraint effects of
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
Society [55]: Methods of getting solution more quickly { 4560 - 4575 }
Summary: (1) A first estimate of how long a problem will take in the solving might be given by the product of the possibilities in its components, assuming independence.
(2) This is a bad estimator, being biassed. It is in fact an upper bound of the true value.
(3) By the use of models the process of search can often be hastened.
(4) Often the components are not independent, and only a portion of the product-space need be searched. Various factors (described) may have this effect.
(5) Selection by components may be possible. It reduces the time to its logarithm.
(6) There is a minimal time for the solution of a problem (or adaptation): it is the time that the fastest isomorphic system can get the answer out in binary notation. 4650, 4668

Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Constraint effects of
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
Society [55]: Methods of getting solution more quickly { 4560 - 4575 }
4574 4575
Summary: An organism cab control an environment of its own size (channel capacity), but not more.
Constraint in environment
4668 4669
Constraint regulation as
Regulation basic nature
4674 4675

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Black box, problem of the first considered
Constraint in black box
Degrees of freedom in machine
4824 4825
Summary: Adaptation in evolution.
Constraint and natural law
Information Goldman on
Quotations [53]: Goldman on Science as a use of Constraints 4866.
Summary: Quotations.
Quotations [54]: "A study of the real world thus becomes a study of transducers." 4867.
4866 4867
Summary: A problem.
Constraint machine as
Machine as constraint
Epistemology [48]: Deducing the machine from the behaviour 5003.
5002 5003
Problems solving problems
Solution (to a problem) finding
Summary: Problems that are not wholly new. 5066
Summary: A numerical illustration of continuity as a constant. 4569 5005 4597
Constraint continuity as
Continuity as constraint
5022 5023

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Summary: Studying a system...
Constraint machine as
Machine as constraint
Protocol deducing input
Summary: "Machine" as constraint in a sequence. But see 5074
5056 5057
Constraint as "cause"
Summary: Concepts of cause, why, because etc related to Black Box theory.
5128 5129
Summary: "A can predict the behaviour of B" is equivalent to "A is isomorphic with B". 5193
Cause Mach on cause
Protocol constraint in
Constraint science as constraint, Mach on
Laws of nature as constraint
Science as constraint
Quotations [5]: Scientific law as a re-coding: "Science itself, therefore, may be regarded as a minimal problem, consisting of the completest possible presentment of facts with the least possible expenditive of thought [his italics]." Ernest Mach 5187.9.
5186 5187
Summary: Quotations from Mach.
Corespondence as constraint
Quotations [57]: "All science has its origin in the needs of life." Ernst Mach 5188.
Summary: The concept of "constraint" includes correspondence, mapping, relation, as special cases.
Constraint correspondence as
Relation as constraint
5188 5189
Constraint in protocal, theory
Protocol general theory of
Protocol general theory of
5192 5193

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Summary: The multi-stable system must have low interaction on the average. 5312
Summary: On the pains of learning.
Learning necessity
The Multistable System [104]: "To accumulate memories that are not affected by intervening events" is equivalent to "There must be small interaction between the events and the memories" 5304.
Constraint and structure
Hierarchy (of Bourbaki) and constraint
Structure as constraint
5304 5305
Constraint reducibility as
Reducibility inplies constraint
5434 5435

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Summary: The use of a transformation repetitively in time is a constraint, so structure becomes apparent.
Constraint and structure
Structure in determinate machinery
Basin meaning changed
Confluant (takes over from "basin")
Confluant defined
Machine random
Random machinery
5496 5497
Axiom of No Design
Constraint total absence
Design total absence
5508 5509
Summary: Personal note.
Personal notes [30]: Have the Notes come to an end? 5558.
Summary: The optimal duration of memory.
Summary: A minimal quality of memory is not definable.
Constraint and optimal duration of memory
Memory optimal duration
5558 5559
Summary: Continuity as a restraint.
Constraint continuity as
Continuity as constraint
Trial and error duration of
5636 5637
Ancillary regulations finding extrapolation function
Constraint finding
Future prediction of
Summary: The machine that jumps directly to the answer, by spotting a constraint, extrapolates. It can do this only after having had previous experience with other problems in the same class, and by having a regulator that selects the better extrapolation functions. 5728
5684 5685
Summary: Constraints are found by applying information-losing transformations and seeing whether they are still acceptable to the essential variables. 5756
Constraint finding
Information advantages of losing
5728 5729
Summary: An arc may "see" only a certain few out of a sequence of stimuli; these few are then "adjacent" for that arc, and may have unexpected effect, e.g. habituation. 5746
Summary: If a variable is forced to a value, perhaps it does not matter whether the forcing is "discreet" or via an ultrastable, vetoing feedback.
Forcing a variable forcing homeostat
Constraint in uncertainty analysis
Uncertainty analysis Garner and McGill
5740 5741
Constraint reducibility as
Reducibility degree of constraint
5748+02 5753
Summary: Axiom that the "typical member" identifies the sub-set and the constraint.
Constraint identified by 'typical member'
Accumulation (of adaptations) mechanism necessary
Adaptation mechanism for cumulative adaptation
5756 5757

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Summary: Some systems are not to be understood, or controlled, by the amount of information that can be accepted in 1 man lifetime. 5810
Information direction is irrelevant
Summary: The symmetrical relation between transmitter and receiver, of McGill and Garner and Woodward, is: between two variables' variations a constraint has been perceived. 5820
Constraint information as
Protocol constraint in
5794 5795
Constraint D.I.E.(diagram of immediate effects) as
Diagram of immediate effects (D.I.E.) as constraint
Transformation D.I.E. (diagram of immediate effects) as constraint
Summary: The D.I.E. (diagram of immediate effects) marks out a subset from the set of all transformations. 5982
5824 5825
Constraint in canonical representation
Constraint of near-equality
Summary: Defeat of my attempt to uncover the "secret" of the conditioned reflex.
5864 5865
Summary: Restoring single-valuedness of prediction, when parts of a machine with active input are not observable, by taking its history into account. 6050, 6069
Summary: Constraint in the environment will show (in certain conditions) in the organism's behaviour.
Constraint in environment's transitions
Environment constraints in transitions
Kinaesthesia constraints in
Space-time structure in
5870 5871
Constraint trasmission of
Mapping of binary relation to mapping
Pattern (in general) transmission of
Relation transission of
Summary: How a relation is transmitted by an operator.
5892 5893
Constraint trasmission of
Input property on
Property on input
5988 5989

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Summary: What properties of a brain are specialisation to terrestrial life and what are good absolutely? 6404
Constraint discovering
Laws of nature value of discovery
6232 6233

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Energy and equilibrium irrelevant
Equilibrium and energy
Max( ) (function) energy and equilibrium
Minimum energy and equilibrium
Summary: Energy flow is neither maximal nor minimal at equilibrium; it is just irrelevant. 6321, 6345, 6350, 6365
Constraint through relation
Relation transmits constraint
Selection through relation
6294 6295
Chess two-way search
Efficiency in searching
Goal two-way search
Trial and error efficiency of
Summary: In a process of search, knowing the goal, and especially of intermediate goals, can cut the time fabulously.
Constraint in environment's transitions
6336 6337
Constraint polystable system finds
Polystable finds constraint
The Multistable System [131]: Polystable system finds constraint automatically(?) 6372.
Summary: The polystable system tends automatically to find and to use the constraints.
Anticipation theory
6372 6373

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Summary: Organisation and redundancy should be defined, in set theory, as [RR-1'R].
Constraint in set theory
Organisation in set theory
Summary: [RR-1'R≠0] is a sensitive test for the existence of constraint, but [RR-1'R] does not equal it.
6380 6381

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Summary: A practical way of getting fairly long trajectories with all ending in states of equilibrium. 6485 says joins need not be invariant in time.
Homeostat Grodins' book
Servo-mechanism biological
Summary: The start of Relation and Constraint Analysis. 6467, 6473, 6476
Constraint analysis
Cylindrance introduced
6464 6465

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Fleet, problem of the
Transmission by subset
Constraint forces "transmission"
Subset forces "transmission"
6570 6571

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Entropy fall in state-determined-system
Constraint increase with time
Laws of nature increase with time
Pattern (in general) increase with time
Planet growth of law on
Steady state on planet, and law
Time makes law increase
6772 6773

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Summary: Morowitz' magnificent book. 7053
Entropy expected value
Constraint permutation as
Permutation constraint necessary
Transmission for permutation
6982 6983
Summary: Mere broadcasting induces high-order interaction. 7097
Broadcast gives interaction
Broadcasting gives interaction
Interaction by broadcasting
Constraint mechanisms for
7006 7007
Metric in a system
Constraint synthesis
7012 7013
Transmission analysis of
Constraint isomorphic channels
7016 7017
Summary: Blissard-type operations in the identities of information analysis.
Blissard (calculus)
Identities Blissard calculus
Summary: Energy for the earth as a steady state.
Constraint Friedman and Leondes
7052 7053

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