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Ross indexed the following pages under the keyword: "Environment".

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Differentiation in development
Function rules and development of central nervous system
Heredity and function rules
Mind (individual) development of
Neuron directing impulses
Reactions development of reactions
Reality nature of
Synapse Rate of crossing
Parameter function rules as
Space-time and chronaxy
0179 0180
Coordination and echoes
Cortex, motor and echo impulses
Learning and echoes
Memory and cortex
Equilibrium and "vicious circle"
Modification of neuron by impulse
Neuron and echo impulses
Stimulus echo stimulus
0181 0182
Hypnosis (mesmerism)
Impulse pattern and unit impulse
Impulse, nervous single
Reactions to unit impulse
Stimulus unit
Conflict for final common path
Environment and instinct
Instinct and environment
Instinct, sex origin of
0197 0198
Dominance and levels
Environment and levels
Intelligence and levels
Levels and nirvanophilia
Cortex, motor in sleep
Pain and levels
Reality and levels
0201 0202
Environment and reflexes
Geodetic path, postulate of
Levels geodetic path
Memory and cortex
Memory localisation of
Stimulus "simple" stimulus
Impulse, nervous timing of
Nirvanophilia and reciprocal innervation
Synapse multiple synapse
0207 0208
Basic pattern
Environment and impulse pattern
Essential light of retina
Impulse pattern
Memory and chronaxy pattern
Pattern (in general) and memory
Vision in dreams
0209 0210

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Adaptation -
Cortex and learning
Environment and reflexes
Evolution and reflex
Heredity of reflexes
Impulse, nervous effect on synapse
Learning after pain
Pain and learning
Reactions development of reactions
Reactions same as reflex
Stimulus "simple" stimulus
Basic pattern and pain
Geodetic path, postulate of How produced
Impulse, nervous and geodetic path
Laws of nature and intelligence
Space-time and geodetic path
0227 0228
Affect and inhibition
Brain dominance of
Inhibition and emotion
Neuron essentila function
Receptors and gradients
Heredity and function rules
0283 0284
Inhibition and organisation
Levels and organisation
Structure all knowledge as
Adaptation an illusion
Environment imperfect adaptation to
Group (mathematical) Eddington's special
Intelligence is blind
0395 0396

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Adaptation as "circle"
Environment as "circle"
Reactions as "circle"
Neuron in reactions
0425 0426

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Equilibrium of a system
Summary: A great idea... organisation must spread from the environment inwards.
Basic pattern basic pattern organisation
Environment must be "orderly"
Impulse pattern and organisation
Intelligence and environment
Organisation and intelligence
Reactions two basic types of
0587 0588
Impulse, nervous all disturbances reduced to
Environment "welded" into central nervous system
Organisation spread of
0591 0592
Organisation after amputation
Environment genes as
0701 0702

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Environment must have "continuity"
Gestalt partial
Learning environment must be
Signal nature of
Stimulus signals
Adaptation environment must be right
Continuity necessary in environment
0781 0782
Energy use of
Equilibrium and self preservation
Plasticity of reaction
Environment must be "orderly"
0801 0802
Environment perfect
Group (mathematical) existence of
0833 0834

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Organisation two meanings united
Pattern (in general) as group-structure
Adaptation an illusion
Environment must be "orderly"
Intelligence is blind
Neutral point (of equilibrium - including 'cycle', 'region' etc.) in a pattern
0909 0910
Isomorphism exact definition
Stimulus pattern and equilibrium
Environment as parameter
Organisation and its environment
0933 0934
Environment as parameter
0945 0946
Memory potential memory
Organisation and memory
Summary: The idea is suggested that the old memories, as organisations, may be present implicitly rather than explicitly.
Environment in parts
0975 0976
Environment step-functions in
Personal notes [23]: Re-read my notes completely from page 1000 on, 4606.
Personal notes [29]: Notes re-read from p. 1000 in Feb '57 5536.
0999 1000
Environment for survival
Probability of survival
Survival by-product
Death achieved
Intelligence is blind
1005 1006

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Summary: A red letter day. A problem in the application to the brain is solved.
Environment several
1111 1112
Summary: Some musings on bicycle riding.
Environment infinity of
Organisation [anduls] irritant
1131 1132
Summary: Each single environment is a (hyper) complex number.
Environment as complex number
1143 1144

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Environment "internal" environment
Summary: Notes on adaptation to "internal" environment; and an example of how a set of adaptations can collapse.
Adaptation and mutations
Adaptation chains of
Evolution as law and chance
Holism in mutations
Natural Selection [13]: In adaptation by heredity there is the recombination effect 1254. Quotation 2163.
1253 1254

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Environment splitting environment
The Multistable System [10]: Experimental method of splitting an environment into parts, 2851.
2851 2852
Environment for survival
Part-function Eddington on
Quotations [11]: Quotation by Eddington on the distribution of part-functions, 2917.
Absolute system transition test
Transition probability
2917 2918
Environment relation to essentail variables
Essential variables relation to environment
2959 2960

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Additive adaptation and 'serial' additive adaptation
Environment relation to essentail variables
3071 3072
Environment relation to essentail variables
Essential variables relation to environment
Summary: Relation of essential variables to system of part-functions.
3087 3088
Summary: In a system of part-functions there are no 'parts' only distributed activations.
Additive adaptation and relation to environment
Arc multiple arcs traversing environment
Environment must be traversed multiply
Society [36]: The various members of a society should not have to judge the efficacy of their individual efforts by watching a common indicator 3140.
The Multistable System [97]: The different 'arcs' of the multistable system should traverse the environment by different routes. 3140.
3139 3140
Environment REVIEW
Essential variables REVIEW OF
Multistable system REVIEWED
DAMS (Dispersive and Multistable System) [94]: Review of relations between multistable system, environment, and specialised essential variables, 3281.
3281 3282
Environment must be able to carry sufficient information
3357 3358
Code inverse
Environment as transducer
Transducer inverse
Transformation inverse
Oddments [36]: If the environment is operator E, the brain must become -E-1. 3499.
Summary: If the environment is E the brain must become -E-1 4294
Environment must be non-singular
Essential variables information from
Step function carries information
3499 3500
Summary: Improvement by the purely empirical is as old as industry.
Environment relation to essential variables
Essential variables relations to environment etc.
3517 3518
Summary: How to arrange DAMS. DAMS can react to a 'signal' or 'symbol'.
Environment REVIEW
Essential variables REVIEW OF
Summary: Index to Essential Variables since 3289. 3582
Summary: Reduction of all variables to a common form is of no importance.
Money reduction of all social variables to
3521 3522
Summary: Definition of a system's 'intelligence' at a resting state.
Resting state 'intelligence' at
Anatomy as constraint
Environment relation to anatomy
3535 3536
Summary: Representation of a typical environment.
Arc multiply traversing
Environment representation of
3563 3564
Summary: Infinitesimal displacements activate a unique set of variables. (3599)
Environment reviewed again
Equilibrium multistable system around state of
The Multistable System [81]: In a system of part-functions, all infinitesimal displacements, in whatever direction, from a resting state activate the same set of variables, 3581, 3599.
Environment reviewed again
Essential variables Reviewed again
3581 3582
Environment reviewed again
Essential variables Reviewed again
Environment reviewed again
Essential variables Reviewed again
3583 3584
Environment reviewed again
Essential variables Reviewed again
Environment reviewed again
Essential variables Reviewed again
3585 3586
Environment reviewed again
Essential variables Reviewed again
Environment reviewed again
Essential variables Reviewed again
3587 3588
Environment reviewed again
Essential variables Reviewed again
Environment reviewed again
Essential variables Reviewed again
3589 3590
Conflict arrangement for
Environment reviewed again
Essential variables Reviewed again
Psychiatric applications [16]: An arrangement possibly leading to conflict, 3591.
Environment reviewed again
Essential variables Reviewed again
3591 3592
Environment reviewed again
Essential variables Reviewed again
Summary: How essential variables, environment, and network are to be arranged in organism and DAMS. 3603, 3825, 4600, 4613 - there is no general solution, 4832, 5737
Environment reviewed again
Essential variables Reviewed again
Signal multistable system responding to
3593 3594
Summary: The elimination of wrong moves at chess may eliminate too much.
Arc multiple arcs traversing environment
Chess information amplifier
Environment control of
Statistic as random transformation
Transducer random
Transformation random
Summary: Random transformations.
Instinct inate releasing mechanisms in
3629 3630
Summary: Environment reducible to orthogonal subsystems. Also 3648
Additive adaptation example
Environment control of
Reducibility example
Summary: Innate mechanisms must be studied for their organisational properties.
Amplifier nature of
Instinct reason for studying
3643 3644

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Summary: Functional levels may be topologically re-arranged within organism and environment.
Additive adaptation example
Environment control of
3647 3648
Environment divisible into part controlled by the brain and part not
DAMS (Dispersive and Multistable System) [80]: The environment should be divided into (a) what the brain can affect (b) the rest. 4168.
4168 4169
Summary: Assume that the number of essential variables is large and given, and is much the same for all species. 4225
Summary: Feedback through the environment.
Environment as transducer
Environment as channel
The Multistable System [65]: Communication between part and part can occur thru the environment, 4215.
4214 4215
Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
Adaptation speeding up adaptation
Environment population of
Speed (of adaptation) of learning
4252 4253

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Summary: Of what use is neurophysiology to me?
Summary: Drugs of addiction.
Addiction nature of
Neuron ?determinate
Summary: If the environment offers constraint, the cortex can profit.
Environment constrained
Hunt and stick optimal strategy
Strategy in adaptation
The Multistable System [88]: If the environment is not constrained, cortex can do nothing better than search at random 4649.
4648 4649

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Summary: Discriminative feedback. 4834, 5345
Attention nature of
Secretary and attention
Summary: On attention, and vigilance.
Environment constrained
4832 4833

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Summary: Environments that have to be adapted to fall into two very different classes: those that do, and those that do not, contain a teacher. 5382.6
Environment with teacher
Arc overlap of
5378 5379

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Control environment as problem in
Environment general abstract form
Puzzle Box as generalised environment
Summary: General formulation of "the environment" for an artificial brain. 5522
5580 5581

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Summary: Restoring single-valuedness of prediction, when parts of a machine with active input are not observable, by taking its history into account. 6050, 6069
Summary: Constraint in the environment will show (in certain conditions) in the organism's behaviour.
Constraint in environment's transitions
Environment constraints in transitions
Kinaesthesia constraints in
Space-time structure in
5870 5871

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Directive correlation (Sommerhoff) algebraic form
Environment for brain ? (Rho)
6286 6287

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