Summary: In a distributive system, if from time to time certain variables are constrained to
certain values, the variables will tend to become in equilibrium at those values.
(Better 2015) Also 1981, 2011, 2012
The Conditioned Reflex [3]: Simple conditioned reflex as an elementary property of the commutive system, 1621. Still unsolved, 1943. Solved with multistable system, 1982. Further observations, 2064, 2490. Still unsolved, with reasons, 2192, 2243.
The Conditioned Reflex [11]: In a multistable system, if variables are repeatedly forced to certain values they
will tend to become stabilised there, 1943. Improved statement, 2015, 2240.
Natural Selection [28]: Selective operators 1536. Five discovered by me, 1944.
This page references 4 pages: 2015 1981 2011 2012
This page references 6 pages: 1567 1894 1635 1521 1859 1942 This page is referenced from page 4137 |