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0981 Volume 05 1941 0982 Volume 05 27-Jul-41
Summary: We have discussed the situation: p's dominate x's, and x's dominate y's. Under these conditions we can get a stability of organisation. Also we can get y-point in y-space moving twice through the same point in different directions. If the x's react rapidly they will tend to disappear functionally. A succession of such gives transmission through a series of organisations. If one level has only a few, or a single, variable this introduces an essential simplicity into all subsequent levels. A large organisation may be 'simple' because it depends on only one or a few parameters.
Organisation number of parameters 0984
Parameter number of
Equilibrium of organisations 0978
Organisation exploring organisation 1177
Oddments [11]: Stability of organisation 0982, examples 0701, 0606.
This page is referenced from 3 pages: 1177 1238 1456

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