Prolonged activity of a parameter makes the system's behaviour tend to depend more
on the parameter's particular line of behaviour than on the system's particular initial
state, 3956.
In the brain, the combination of high intrinsic stability with powerful amplification
gives speedy action, 2986.
If the environment is operator E, the brain must become -E-1. 3499.
Bias introduced when S sees D through itself: DIAGRAM3159.
The variables common to two absolute systems must be absolute 4012.
What is a 'thing'? It is a constraint, forcing variables to behave with less than
complete independence, 4101.
If I cannot prove that something is "sufficient", I may be able to prove that it is sufficient to give a high probability. 4193.
How to build an exceptionally unintelligent machine, 4260.
When many variations are possible, pick on one to prove it vigorously; the effect
of modifications can then easily be seen. 4411.
Large small machines, and small large machines 4496.
The ultrstable system studied by me is one that starts by knowing almost nothing;
it starts therefore somewhat handicapped 4599.
█General phenomena should be explained by proportionately general mechanisms. 5591.
Carry out the program of pages 6184 (foot) and 6185 (top).
Often the significant part of "what is the cause of.......?" is "what parameter values
will give me......?" E.g. "what is the cause of the present accident rate on the
roads?" is usually a substitute for "tell me a combination of parameters-values that
will reduce the road rate to 10 per day?".