As the coupling between B and A is made richer, either by increasing channel capacity
or by adding immediate effects, so will what is in B affect x the sooner. 5026. DIAGRAM
If only components in J are observable, and we know that the J-states have been, in
succession, a0,a1, ... ,ak, and if the machine's mapping is S, then the machine must now be in one of the states
in EXPRESSION. 5050.
The whole system can be studied if one variable is observable; in particular, all
the canonical equations can be deduced 5054.
Dispersion is used by the experimenter in recording his results, 4481.
"A does not know B's phone number" means, operationally, that if A is forced to make
an attempt at calling, his action must be deternmined by some other, random, factor
Primary knowledge is the "raw feel". Science seeks secondary knowledge - the patterned
and communicable, which consists only of higher relations among the raw data. 5282.
Law of conservation of complexity (in question and answer) 6889.
McCrea's "principle" (7113) "The less information we can get [about distant events] the less we need in order
to make predictions that are testable by observation.".