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Ross indexed the following pages under the keyword: "Experiment".

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Absolute system why not x=f-1 (x')?
Canonical equations why not [x=f-1 (x')]?
Information and canonical equations
Information in machines
Summary: The inverse of the canonical equations.
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
3243 3244
Summary: Independence does not in general cause loss of information. (3274)
Information in machines
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
3247 3248
Summary: Entropies in the parts do not sum to that of the whole. Entropy of a part may equal that of the whole.
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
Summary: Information and experiment.
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
3249 3250
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
3251 3252
Summary: Information in an absolute machine. [deleted]
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
3253 3254
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
3255 3256
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
3257 3258
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
3259 3260
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
3261 3262
Summary: Information and the experimenting on dynamic systems.
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
3263 3264
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
Summary: This then is the maximal information obtainable in an absolute system of σ states by starting it at a state selected arbitrarily and then observing how it's behaviour goes from state to state.
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
3265 3266
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
3267 3268
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
Summary: Information always decreases, step by step, as an unknown line of behaviour unfolds.
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
3269 3270
Summary: Uncertainty about the details within a line of behaviour is independent of whether that line, or some other, will occur. 3274
Experiment when it stops
Information and experiment
Information in machines
Epistemology [6]: Passage of information from machine to observer, { 3248 - 3271 }
Latent roots distribution of
3271 3272

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Experiment when it stops
Information from machine to machine
3690 3691
Mathematics as dynamic system
The Multistable System [30]: It may happen that part talks to part through the environment 3924.
Summary: In the brain, part often talks to part via the environment. 5424
Experiment as communication
3924 3925

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Summary: Note on Darwinism.
Summary: 'Experiment' = 'competition'. 4384
Competition equals trials
Design for a Brain British Medical Journal review
Experiment = competition
Trial and error equals competition
Society [49]: Trial = competition = experiment, 4380.
Personal notes [20]: Reviews of "Design": 4258 Observer, 4309 Citizen, 4380 British Medical Journal, 4423 Journal of Consulting Psychology, 4423 McCulloch, 4446. Hibbert Journal, 4595 Galaxy, 4595 Scientific American, 4643 Occupational Psychology.
4380 4381

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