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Other Index 4: DAMS (Dispersive and Multistable System)

Other Index | 1: Natural Selection | 2: Society | 3: Multistable System | 4: DAMS | 4½: DAMS II | 5: Epistemology | 6: Higher geometry of fields and matrix theory | 7: Psychiatric Applications | 8: Conditioned Reflex | 9: Oddments | 10: Unsolved Problems | 11: Quotations | 12: Subjective | 13: Personal Notes | 14: Slogans and Aphorisms

DAMS consisted of 100 randomly connected valves.

Dispersive and Multistable System (DAMS) built by W. Ross Ashby.
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  1. Divider: 4
  2. Section Title: DAMS (Dispersive and Multistable System)
  3. How to design and build a multistable system. 2950. Its value basis, 2953.
  4. Display for DAMS, 3001.
  5. Effect on DAMS' equations of a neon striking, 3055.
  6. DAMS, final placements of neons 3042.
  7. DAMS' intrinsic stability, 2979, 2982, 3050.
  8. DAMS, equations of, 2983. DAMS Mark 13, equations of, 3053.
  9. DAMS has a higher order stability in 'number of neons lit' 3043.
  10. Factors affecting DAMS' stability 3054.
  11. Probability that k active variables in DAMS will be stable, 2984.
  12. DAMS should have plenty of informative feedback, 3142.
  13. Possible patterns for joining output and inputs, 3182, 3237.
  14. Essential variable that will inject noise proportional to its deviation 3410.
  15. How to retain information in DAMS, 3398, 3428.
  16. For many resting states, the steps functions' behaviours should be almost uncorrelated. 3391.
  17. Environment for DAMS must be more than minimally complex, 3387.
  18. Advantage to the Essential Variables, if specialised, of using noise 3383.
  19. Essential variables should be able to send much information in the rest of the system if they are specialised. 3382.
  20. Why DAMS was changed to give more resting states, 3348.
  21. In DAMS, the other conditions have no 'usual' values; and this increases the difficulty we have in apprehending it. 3416.
  22. DAMS must contain its information reduntantly 3419.
  23. DAMS' variables must be arranged in layers at its sensory input, in order not to lose information, 3420.
  24. For DAMS to have many resting states it must have much independence internally 3423.
  25. Main properties of DAMS at the 20-variable size, 3425.
  26. Look of for dimensionless numbers in DAMS, 3439.
  27. Look for large-scale examples of step-function, resting state, absolute system, in DAMS, especially when it is large, 3439.
  28. When DAMS is being demonstrated, let it be increasingly slightly disturbed, 3460.
  29. DAMS is a 'statistical' machine: what does this mean? Answer, 3466.
  30. DAMS should show absolute systems of few variables, each a statistic from the larger system, 3477.
  31. Experiment to be tried on DAMS, 3478.
  32. Practical method for DAMS' environment, 3482.
  33. Number of resting states in DAMS, 3504.
  34. History of DAMS: taken down for uniformisation, 3509.
  35. The two inputs to each value cause mixing just as do two sexes, 3509.
  36. How to improve DAMS, 3513.
  37. Wiring counts as 'anatomy' in DAMS, 3538.
  38. Neon lamp as absolute system, 3545.
  39. Effect of joining by subsystems, 3548.
  40. Subsystems formed when many units are joined at random, 3550.
  41. Various patterns of joining tried, 3555.
  42. Principle for eliminating oscillating circuits 3558.
  43. Environment, Essential Variables, and network, 3559.
  44. Method of testing for 'illegitamate' and wandering actions, 3562.
  45. Number of neurone in monkey's nuclei 3562.
  46. Effect of a 'bottleneck' in the levels 3571.
  47. Possible mode for action of essential variables, 3603.
  48. Numerical estimates of DAMS' efficiency in dispersion, 3634.
  49. DAMS is too small to show multistability 3637.
  50. 'Brownian' activity in DAMS, 3642.
  51. Advantageous adjustment mechanisms, 3652.
  52. The resting states of DAMS are not accessible unless a rich source of information is available and a broad channel into it, 3656.
  53. Habituation in DAMS, 3706.
  54. If an ensemble has an input, the behaviour depends less and less on the initial state, 3707.
  55. The critical surfaces of the neons in DAMS do not fulfil the same functions as the crit. surfaces of the relays in the homeostat 3834.
  56. The channel from step-functions to observer must be broad if observer is to see much variety in behaviour 3867.
  57. Number of resting states when arranged DIAGRAM without neons, 3873.
  58. Number of resting states of the 'clover leaf', DIAGRAM 3877.
  59. Design by me is not essentially different from design by a component, 4243.
  60. How to design a self-adapting machine, [SHORTHAND] how to make it evolve, 4261.
  61. Conditioning of the components must satisfy [?] system [?] to be able to have resting states that differ [into] [?] a few of the variables.
  62. Magnification causes loss of information, 4417.
  63. Effect of magnification in DAMS, 4422.
  64. DAMS described as a shuffling machine 4510.
  65. Strategy for getting DAMS better aligned 4511.
  66. Habituation in DAMS, theory of, 4529.
  67. Latent roots of a system arranged in a circle of levels, 3431. DIAGRAM
  68. Roots of a system joined in levels and with one level reduced to a single variable, 3578. DIAGRAM
  69. Stability of system with transition probabilities. Roots of matrix of elements all between 0 and 1 and where each row sums to 1. 3086.
  70. Effect of surrounding variables on resistance of a part to a stimulus that would force it to another resting state. 3146. (Theory of DAMS.)
  71. The multistable system [SHORTHAND] essential variables are separated, 4226.
  72. Behaviour of dispersive system when the Essential variables emit disturbances proportional to their deviations 3057.
  73. Another form, with the essential variables' limits separate from the step-functions', 2955.
  74. Some source must provide variation 4067.
  75. In the ultrastable system the arrangement is DIAGRAM 4166.
  76. The self locking, ultrastable system deduced from four postulates. DIAGRAM 4158.
  77. The various aspects of the behaviour of the adapting system seen from the new point of view, 4164.
  78. Instability as a danger, 4163.
  79. A thermostat has DIAGRAM 4166.
  80. The environment should be divided into (a) what the brain can affect (b) the rest. 4168.
  81. Derivation of DIAGRAM from six postulates, 4179.
  82. The self-locking system will often be, internally, self-coordinating 4181.
  83. Conditions for self-locking, 4229.
  84. [SHORTHAND] Canonical equations [when] system as does essential variables separated. 4238.
  85. Essentail variables of different orders, 4262.
  86. 'Knowing' means controlling, 4292.
  87. Ultrastable system cannot stop until "Cortex" "knows" environment. 4294.
  88. Speed of adaptation demands trials, 4385.
  89. Example of how the existence of a constraint can shorten a search, 4548.
  90. The variety may perhaps be supplied in the mammalian brain by its "diffuse" system 4820.
  91. Ultrastability can be shown with various types of system, discrete, two-valved, determinate etc 4906.
  92. The essential variables may act as a gate to which the rest will habituate 3058.
  93. The essentail variables may work by intermittently forcing themselves to take the values they should have 3059.
  94. Review of relations between multistable system, environment, and specialised essential variables, 3281.
  95. The "law" of a system (or set of systems) far from the atomic level can be found only empirically. 5115.
  96. DAMS resumed, in Aug '56, after neglect since Mar '53. 5279.
  97. DAMS was built by an ignoramus 6017.
Other Index | 1: Natural Selection | 2: Society | 3: Multistable System | 4: DAMS | 4½: DAMS II | 5: Epistemology | 6: Higher geometry of fields and matrix theory | 7: Psychiatric Applications | 8: Conditioned Reflex | 9: Oddments | 10: Unsolved Problems | 11: Quotations | 12: Subjective | 13: Personal Notes | 14: Slogans and Aphorisms

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